How to Pull the Know Up After You Tie a Tie

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Have you graduated beyond the clip-on tie? Outset with these helpful instructions, a sharp-looking tie, a mirror, and some patience, you can become an expert in tying your own stylish knot. You have several options bachelor, from the versatile Four-in-Manus Knot to the classic Windsor.

If you're helping someone else put on a necktie, see this article for instructions from that perspective.

  1. 1

    Pall the necktie around your cervix. With your collar upward and your shirt fully buttoned, place the necktie around your shoulders. Hang the wider stop of the necktie on your right side, with the narrow end nigh 12 inches (xxx cm) higher on the left.[1]

    Tip: Avert spread collars with this small-scale, disproportionate knot.

  2. 2

    Cantankerous the wide end over the narrow terminate. Bring the wide terminate to the left side of your trunk, over the narrow terminate. Hold the 2 pieces of cloth together with your left hand, nearly your cervix.


  3. 3

    Loop the wide end nether the narrow cease. Let go with your correct mitt. Tuck it underneath the narrow end, grab the wide end, and pull information technology back through to your correct side.

  4. 4

    Loop the broad cease back over once more. Cantankerous it over the narrow end i more than time, at the aforementioned bespeak where your left hand is holding the knot together.

    Note: The front of the tie should be facing forward again (so the seam is hidden).

  5. 5

    Pull the wide end upward through the neck loop. Fold the tip of the wide end under itself and pull upwards through the cervix loop.[2]

  6. half dozen

    Insert the wide finish down through the front knot. Yous should have a horizontal knot across the front of your tie. Hold this knot open up with your finger and carefully insert the wide end.

  7. 7

    Tighten the knot. Hold the narrow end and slide the front knot up to tighten the necktie. Brand sure your tie is directly and the length is appropriate, ideally ending at the top of your belt buckle.

    • Clasp the sides of the knot gently to create a dimple just below it.

    Tip: The iv-in-manus knot is a trivial asymmetrical at the neck. Don't worry near this; it is normal.

  8. 8

    Constrict the narrow end of the tie into the loop on the back side of the broad stop.

  9. 9

    Fold your neckband down, and make sure that the tie is covered by the neckband all the way around your cervix.


  1. i

    Put the tie around your neck. Make sure the wider cease is on the correct, and about 14 inches (36 cm) lower than the thinner side on the left.[iii] The Windsor knot uses a lot of cloth, so the lower cease should commencement a bit lower than you would usually position a tie.

    Tip: Many consider the big, symmetric Windsor knot the nearly elegant and formal option. Wear it with a spread or wide spread collar.[iv]

  2. ii

    Cross the wide end over the narrow stop. Hold ane cease in each mitt, then laissez passer each of them to the contrary paw. The wide stop should now be on your left side.[5] [6]

  3. 3

    Bring the wide end up through the neck loop. Using your correct mitt, hold the two ends where they cantankerous about your collar. With your left hand, pull the wide end upwards through the neck loop from beneath.

  4. 4

    Bring your tie back downward. Rest the broad end back on your breast, to the left of the narrow cease.

  5. five

    Fold it stop behind the narrow end. Grab the wide end with your correct hand and pull it back to the correct side of your body, under the narrow end. Concord the knot near your collar in identify with your left hand.

  6. vi

    Bring the broad stop upwardly to the neck loop from the front. Keep information technology on the correct side.

  7. 7

    Pull the broad end through the neck loop. Insert the tip of the broad terminate and pull through, still on the right side.

    Notation: The underside of the broad end should at present exist facing forward.

  8. 8

    Fold the wide terminate over the narrow end. Fold it back over from right to left, and then the front side is visible again.

  9. nine

    Pull the broad end through the neck loop from below. Bring the wide finish back upward through the neck loop one last time.

  10. x

    Insert the wide end through the front knot. Place the wide cease through the horizontal knot at the front of the necktie. Pull it through.

  11. 11

    Tighten the knot. Hold the base of the front knot and clasp gently from the sides. Slowly pull the wide finish of the tie to bring the knot closer to the cervix.


  1. 1

    Place the tie upside downwardly effectually your collar. Unlike nearly knots, the Pratt knot begins with the necktie upside down, so the seam of the necktie is facing forward. Hang the wide end of the tie over your right side, and the narrow finish over your left side.

    • This medium size knot suits nigh collars and builds.
  2. 2

    Check the position of the wide end. In a knotted tie, the wide terminate should just graze the height of your belt buckle.[7] At the start, still, raise or lower the wide end until it hangs one–2 inches (2.5–v cm) beneath this point. Equally a rule of thumb, the Pratt knot will lift the wide end by this distance as you lot tie the knot.[8]

    • The narrow end of the tie should be college than the wide end. Information technology volition usually exist around abdomen button level, but this is less important than the wide end's placement.[9]
  3. 3

    Cross the wide stop under the narrow end. Motion the wide end across your body to the left side, placing it underneath the narrow end.

    • Do not motility the narrow end of the tie for whatsoever part of this knot.[10] Just agree information technology steady while you apply the broad end.
  4. 4

    Bring the wide end up to the loop effectually the neck. Place the tip on top of the loop, still on your left side.

  5. v

    Pull the broad end through the cervix loop. Insert the wide end down into the loop from in a higher place. Pull it through in the same management it lay before, on the left.

  6. six

    Fold the wide end over the narrow end, from left to correct. This flips the broad end so the seam is no longer visible. The wide cease volition extend at an angle off to your right.

  7. vii

    Pull the wide end up through the neck loop. Bring the broad terminate up to your cervix loop once again, but this time from below. Pull it through.

  8. viii

    Constrict the wide stop down through the new loop at the front. Your terminal fold created a horizontal loop at the front of your tie. Tuck the wide end through this loop, and pull directly down to tighten. The wide end should at present rest in forepart of the narrow end.

  9. 9

    Slide the knot to adjust. Pull downwardly on the wide terminate to tighten. Slide the front end knot up to the base of your neckband to fasten the necktie.

    • To create a dimple just below the forepart knot, squeeze the sides of the knot gently as you tighten.[11]


  1. 1

    Position the wide cease on the right side. Place the necktie around your neck and let the sides hang in front of you. The wide end should be on the right side of your torso, and hang roughly 12 inches (30 cm) lower than the narrow end on the left.[12]

    • The Half Windsor is a triangular, symmetrical knot suitable for formal occasions. Larger than the Iv-in-hand merely less beefy than the Windsor, this can work with most neckties and neckband types.[xiii] Neckties made from thicker textile will probable require a spread or broad spread collar with this knot.
  2. 2

    Cantankerous the wide end over the narrow end. Bring the wide end of the tie over to your left side, crossing over the narrow end.

  3. 3

    Fold the wide end dorsum under the narrow end. Complete a loop around the narrow end and pull the wide stop back to the right side.

    • The underside of the wide end should be visible at this point.
  4. 4

    Have the broad stop upwards to the neck loop. Raise the wide end upwardly to the loop of necktie at your collar. Keep it on the right side.

  5. 5

    Pull the broad terminate through the loop and to the left. Insert the wide tip down through the loop and pull it through from the left side, so it crosses under the narrow terminate.

  6. six

    Fold the wide finish over the front of the narrow end. Bring the wide cease back across the front and onto your correct side.

  7. vii

    Slide the wide end up through the neck loop. Fold the wide end up through the neck loop a second time.

  8. eight

    Insert the wide finish downward through the front knot. Loosen the front knot with your finger and insert the wide cease. Pull it through to rest over the narrow end.

  9. 9

    Pull on the broad finish to tighten. Gently squeeze the front end knot as you pull to slide the knot upward and create a dimple at the front of your tie.


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  • Question

    Tin I utilise a scarf equally a necktie?

    Community Answer

    Yes, yous can use a scarf equally a necktie.

  • Question

    What type of knot should I apply for school?

    Community Answer

    The four-in-hand knot should piece of work fine for school.

  • Question

    What is the quickest way to tie a tie?

    Abhimanyu Sinha

    Abhimanyu Sinha

    Community Reply

    The 4-in-paw knot should work. Doesn't take more than a minutes with practice.

  • Question

    Should the label be facing outward instead of touching the front end of the shirt?

    Community Answer

    It should be touching the front of the shirt for all knots except the Pratt knot.

  • Question

    Which methods are more informal?

    Community Answer

    The four-in-hand knot is like shooting fish in a barrel and pretty informal.

  • Question

    Can I wear a Windsor tie to schoolhouse?

    Helter Incendito

    Helter Incendito

    Customs Answer

    My son always uses a double Windsor knot for his necktie when he goes to schoolhouse and it has not presented any problems.

  • Question

    How tin I call back how to tie a tie if I proceed forgetting the steps?

    Community Answer

    If you keep forgetting it always helps to write it down. Each stride in club neatly will help you remember. Read information technology a couple times, and do over and over until you don't need the directions.

  • Question

    What is a formal knot to article of clothing with a suit to a nuptials?

    Community Answer

    I call back half windsor knot and traditional windsor knot should work well, because they are more than official and formal.

  • Question

    Which blazon of knot should I use for an internship?

    Helter Incendito

    Helter Incendito

    Customs Reply

    The type of knot should actually depend on the size of your neckband. If the shirt has a small neckband, utilize a smaller knot like the four in hand. If information technology's a standard collar, use a Windsor knot.

  • Question

    What if I don't know how to tie a Windsor knot?

    Helter Incendito

    Helter Incendito

    Community Answer

    And so you look at the instructions on this folio and go along practicing. There are also other pages that explain how information technology is done. Employ your favorite search engine.

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VideoRead Video Transcript

  • To make a dimple, concord the top blade on both edges, then pull it downwards gently until the top bract starts to tighten. A slightly convex shape should appear close to the knot. Use your thumb and forefinger to press the lesser of the knot into a V-shape and the convex will deepen to grade the dimple.

  • If your tie has a loop underneath the wide side of the necktie, you lot may slide the narrow side through that loop to forbid information technology from "peeking" from behind the broad side of the tie.

  • Left-handed people may find it easier to switch the starting positions of the wide and narrow ends. If you do this, switch all "left" and "right" instructions.

  • Ideally, the tip of the tie should graze the top of your belt buckle. It's all right if the tie dips down to the bottom of the belt buckle ("Italian fashion"). If it'south any lower, try a knot that uses plenty of fabric (such equally the Windsor), or switch to a shorter tie.[xiv] Similarly, if the tie ends higher up your belt, buy a longer tie or try the Pratt knot, which doesn't employ much cloth in the knot.

  • Make a mnemonic device to assistance you call up these steps, such as the give-and-take OUAT, which is an acronym for over, under, effectually and through.

  • If you're helping someone tie their necktie, tie it on yourself first since it will exist easier to make the proportions accurate. Then, before you tighten the knot, transfer the tie to their neck.[15]


About This Commodity

Commodity Summary X

The best style to tie a tie for beginners is the iv-in-hand knot. Step 1. Button the elevation push button of your shirt, and fold your collar up. Stride ii. Hang the tie around your collar so that the wide cease is on your right side, about 4 inches below the narrow end. Step 3. Cross the wide finish in forepart of the narrow end. Step 4. Bring the broad end behind the narrow end, and pull the broad terminate from left to right. Agree the narrow stop steady throughout. Step 5. Cross the broad end in front of the narrow end from right to left. Step half-dozen. Pull the wide finish up through the neck loop, then push the wide cease downwardly through the loop you created in front. Stride 7. Concur the narrow end in 1 mitt, then pull the broad cease to tighten the knot. Straighten the knot every bit needed. Step 8. Cheque to brand certain that the finish of the tie is most at the middle of your chugalug buckle, and tuck the narrow cease of the tie into the loop on the dorsum side of the wide finish. Stride 9. Fold your collar down, and brand certain that the tie is covered by the collar all the style around your neck.

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